One of the first things you need to know about bleach is it is caustic and toxic. Bleach breaks down in a very short period of time. Think about a swimming pool. Hence, it is always better to contact experts from georgia painting companies to get your swimming pool walls painted and to know more about chlorine reaction with paint on pool walls. Chlorine, (A.K.A bleach), has to be added on a regular basis due to the fact it evaporates quickly. Hence, that is why you have to mix bleach fresh every day. Chlorine actually starts off as a gas and once it is pressurized and cooled it changes into a liquid so it can be shipped. Chlorine is one of the most commonly manufactured chemicals in the United States and was used in World War I as a choking (pulmonary) agent. People’s risk for exposure depends on how close they are to where the chlorine/bleach gas is released. If chlorine/ bleach is released into the air, some people may be exposed through skin or eye contact. They also may be exposed by breathing air that contains chlorine/bleach gases. If chlorine/bleach is not mixed correctly as a sanitizer and comes in contact with food or dishes, people/young children could be exposed to contaminated food.
Bleach Alternatives
D.S.D. Sanitizer
Unlike bleach, D.S.D. is a NSF (formerly know as the National Sanitation Foundation) certified product that can be used to sanitize food equipment, processing surfaces, eating utensils, and drinking glasses without requiring a potable rinse, making it the perfect choice for sanitizing toys, tables, and dishes.
Also, unlike bleach, NU-QUAT is a neutral pH disinfectant/cleaner. It won’t bleach out your clothes and it does not have to be mixed on a daily basis because it is a quaternary ammonia. You don’t have to worry about harmful gases like you do with bleach. NU-QUAT is the perfect product for changing tables because NU-QUAT is a hospital grade germicidal disinfectant and it has a very broad killing spectrum. NU-QUAT is an effective virucidal, fungicidal, and bacterial disinfectant designed for use on hard, non-porous, inanimate surfaces. It’s effective against bacteria and viruses (including E-coli, Salmonella, HIV-1, Herpes simplex Types 1 & 2, MRSA, VISA, Streptococcus, Staphylococcus and Influenza). It is also great for controlling mold and mildew. NU-QUAT eliminates products such as Pine-Sol®, Lysol®, Windex®, Formula 409®, bleach and carpet extraction shampoo. NU-QUAT is your floor to ceiling neutral disinfectant cleaner.